When you use a database-driven script application for your website, all content that you or the website users add, is stored in cells and tables in a database, not as ordinary text in the app files. In comparison, HTML websites are static and all the content on such a site is part of the actual HTML files. A web-based store application, for instance, takes all items, prices, user reviews, etc, from its database and this is the same for any kind of script which allows you to build a dynamic website. The more the data you insert, the larger the database will get, so in case you employ a script-driven site, you should make sure that your web hosting plan features adequate database storage space. The latter applies regardless of the type of databases you are using - for instance MySQL or PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Web Hosting

A number of the web hosting that we provide are excellent for hosting sites which use a PostgreSQL database to operate because they provide unrestricted database storage. Using any of these plans, you're able to create and manage any sort of PostgreSQL-driven script application and enjoy a rapid and reliable website hosting service. We do provide unlimited database storage space because we don't manage everything on a single server. Alternatively, all PostgreSQL databases are handled by an independent cluster, which is part of our custom cloud web hosting platform, which means that we will always put additional hard disks or whole servers to the cluster when needed. With our shared web hosting services, you'll never need to worry that the growth of your websites will be restricted due to the lack of space for your databases.