When you get a virtual or a dedicated server, you'll be able to use it not just to host your individual websites, but, in addition to resell web hosting plans to other people. This will help you make good money, due to the fact that the number of people who build their first site increases and the demand for hosting services is growing each and every year. Aside from the server itself, you will also need a merchant account with some payment processor, that will enable you to accept payments on the web, as well as a billing application in order to link the two of them. To use your own server means having more control as opposed to the traditional web hosting reseller programs. If, for instance, a client wishes to run some script that needs a certain app to be present on the server, there won't be any trouble to install it on a virtual or a dedicated machine, but it'll be impossible to do that on a shared server where all reseller accounts are generated. With small effort and investment, you'll have the chance to start a successful hosting company of yours and to become a part of the ever-growing hosting market.